Term Life Mobile Quote App

Install the Term Life Quote engine app on iPhones and Android devices


  1. Click on https://mobile.ipipeline.com/quote/gaid/1242
  2. Once the quote engine is opened you can save an icon on your mobile device by clicking add to home screen.
  3. Make sure you wait till the icon loads before you click the add button.
  4. You are set to go. You can now click on the [Q] icon on your device whenever you need to use it.


  1. Click on the link for mobile quote https://mobile.ipipeline.com/quote/gaid/1242
  2. Once at the homepage, click menu on the bottom of android phone and select ‘Bookmark’
  3. At the add bookmark screen, you can change the name to something more simple-it’s defaulted to ‘Mobile Quote – powered by iPipeline. Hit O.K.
  4. Return to the home screen. Press and hold on the screen at any blank space you’d like the icon to appear.
  5. When the Add to Home Screen menu appears, select shortcuts then bookmarks
  6. Find the bookmarked Mobile Quote… (or your changed name) page and select it.
  7. The [Q] icon should now appear on your screen.