Advisors Insurance Brokers (AIB), An Integrity Company, is an independent, nationally recognized insurance Brokerage General Agency (BGA) that specializes in Life Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance (in ALL its forms), Disability Income Insurance, and Fixed and Indexed Annuity consulting and sales.
They have received numerous national awards for their education, expertise and results in helping their affiliated agents and brokers, insurance and financial advisors and financial planners as they assist their clients and prospects in planning for the future, protecting their assets and preserving their independence.
The firm offers a comprehensive portfolio of Insurance and Annuity products suitable for individuals and families, employer groups and professional and other associations.
AIB works with individual advisors, as well as with insurance agencies, financial planning firms, banks and credit unions, broker dealers, wire houses and others. By extension, they help each of them and their affiliated advisors to help their individual and group clients, including businesses, colleges and universities, unions and trade associations, health maintenance organizations and others throughout the country to realize their dreams and plan for the unexpected.
AIB also provides regular educational workshops to the general public on planning related issues, as well as sponsoring numerous comprehensive educational sessions for their affiliated advisors and others.
They also work regularly with affiliated professionals in the financial services industry, including Registered Investment Advisors, CPAs and Accountants, Attorneys and others, providing them with updated and important information and training on various insurance planning topics.