Join us for this informative webinar with Matt from Chubb as he shares some valuable insights into Chubb’s innovative Life w/LTC product, and their Cancer product.
Highlights include:
Long Term Care through Permanent Term Life Insurance:
- Chubb’s policy satisfied the WA Cares Act as a qualified LTC plan allowing employees to opt out of the .58% uncapped payroll tax. Similar legislation is being reviewed nationally, drawing attention to the need for this coverage.
- Provides Guarantee Issue coverage for both Long Term Care and Life Insurance
- Tax-Qualified LTC Offering
- Full Portability
- Level Premiums at Issue Age
- Employer Paid or Voluntary
Precision Cancer Advocate:
- Cancer continues to impact Americans at substantial rates. One in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. Early detection has proven critical as the five-year survival rate for early-stage cancers is 91.1% compared to 30.6% for late-stage cancers. The ability for average Americans to obtain cancer-related genetic testing has been challenging largely due to reimbursement, awareness, and cost issues. Chubb’s Cancer Advocate Plus makes it accessible for today’s workers.
- Chubb’s Precision Cancer Advocate offering makes it accessible for today’s workers.
- Genetic-based screenings for cancer and pharmacy
- Cancer Management including: Dedicated Nurse Oncologist, Expert Medical Review, Molecular Tumor Testing, and Precision Care Treatment recommendation
- Recovery & Recurrence Monitoring utilizing genetic blood tests
- Financial Protection Benefits