23rd Annual Golf Tournament

Fairways of Halfmoon
17 Johnson Road Mechanicville, NY

START TIME:  Registration and breakfast starts at 7:45am with an 8:30am Shotgun start.

COST:  $150 per person OR $560 per foursome – Includes green fees with cart,   continental breakfast, lunch and beverage at the turn, buffet following golf, prizes & gifts (And an unbelievable hole-in-one prize & raffles!)

ABOUT THE RANCH: The Double H Ranch, Founded by the late Paul Newman and the late Charlie Woods, and located in Lake Luzerne.  The Double H Ranch exists to provide critically ill children and families in need a chance to get away and experience the magnificence of the Adirondacks. Modeled after Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Camp in Connecticut, the Double H Ranch is a not-for-profit organization that provides specialized year-round experiences in outdoor adventure. The summer residential camp program for children ages 6-16 consists of multiple sessions accommodating as many as 128 children in each. The winter adaptive sports program for children is a one-of a-kind winter adventure held on the camp property with alpine and cross-country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing. Each spring and fall, numerous family support programs are held at the camp for families facing the challenges of a chronic or life-threatening illness. Visit the Double H Ranch website HERE, for more.


Don’t forget to add the Mega Golf Bundle!!! For just $50 you’ll receive: (50) Raffle entries, (50) 50/50 entries, (2) Lotto Tree entries, (2) Mulligans, (2) Putting Contest entries & (4) Door Prize entries

CONTACT: Melissa Frasier at x. 115 or mfrasier@advisorsib.com or Joe Maru at x. 109 or jmaru@advisorsib.com