Annuities allow your client to put S.T.Y.L.E. in their financial portfolios. S.T.Y.L.E. refers to Safety, Tax Deferral, Yield, Liquidity, and Estate Planning – attributes inherent in Annuities. Safety: A fixed annuity guarantees that your principal is protected, and you can always get the money back. Tax Deferral: During the accumulation phase the gains are tax […]
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Income protection (DI or disability income) insurance remains one of the most undersold insurance products on the market. Why? One would think that, given the fact that the odds of suffering a disabling event during our working years are far higher than the odds of us dying prematurely, consumers would be jumping at the opportunity […]
Read MoreYou insure your home, your car, your health, and maybe even your phone, but have you considered insuring your income? Are you aware of disability insurance (or income protection insurance?) In a single year, more than 60% of families that file for bankruptcy will do so because of health care costs and the loss of […]
Read MoreMany of your clients may lapse or surrender their life insurance, intentionally or unintentionally, and they do so for any number of reasons. Including (among others): They can no longer afford the coverage They feel they no longer need (or want) the coverage The problem with that course of action is that your client may […]
Read MoreDo you have clients looking for guarantees in Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI)? If so, for many of you the “knee jerk” reaction is often to go straight to a hybrid or linked benefit solution. If that’s YOU, read on! Note: some of this may be “counter intuitive” to some of you, but Return of Premium […]
Read MoreEnsight, the leading life and annuity digital sales acceleration platform for insurance carriers, distributors and financial professionals, today announced Advisors Insurance Brokers, (a New York Long Term Care Brokers, Ltd. Company), will now offer Ensight’s intelligent quote and presentations platforms to its broad group of agents as part of their partnership offering. The platform will […]
Read MoreWhen you start up a conversation with a prospect age 60+ about Life / Final Expense Insurance, you more than likely will hear “I’m all set” or “I can’t buy life insurance.” That should be music to your ears, so it is worth continuing the conversation to determine what their situation truly is. A complete […]
Read MoreIn some respects, we are a “victim of our own success” in the LTC Insurance industry. Especially in the earlier days of the industry (mainly the mid to late 1990’s and early 2000’s), we did a wonderful job of telling agents and advisors that the most appropriate plan design for LTCI was often something like: […]
Read MoreThere’s nothing like guarantees in times of uncertainty: guaranteed interest rates and lifetime income, to provide a little piece of mind. This is particularly true during uncertain economic times with unprecedented unemployment linked to a pandemic. Even without the current economic environment, life is always unpredictable. And we all know financial decisions, even in good […]
Read More2020 is certainly one we will all be talking about for many years to come. The global Coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the way most of us live and work – at least on a temporary basis, but for some, possibly permanently. As we do our part to socially distance, staying at home, trying to […]
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